A Tipton Pizza Hut delivery man has received a new car from the Tipton community to thank him for delivering his pizzas for 31 years.
Tanner Langley, a 28-year-old Pizza Hut customer in Tipton, still gets his pizza from the same delivery guy for 31 years.
Since he was a child, he has been around the pizza delivery boy who always has a huge smile on his face.

Robert Peters is known as Mr. Smiley in the town of Tipton because of his contagious smile and positive attitude. His dedication and faithfulness to his work are also commendable.
He has worked for the same restaurant for over 30 years and remains enthusiastic about serving the people of his town.
Speaking to “Mr. Smiley”, Langley learned that the man was having trouble with his 28-year-old Oldsmobile. He shared the unfortunate news with his neighbors and set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Peters’ new car.
Word quickly spread through the community and many people joined in to help their favorite Tipton Pizza Hut delivery person. In just one week, they were able to raise over $18,000, which was way more than they expected.
Langley set a fundraising goal of $12,000, which was enough to provide Peters with a new car. Fortunately, more people wanted to help out and show their kindness and gratitude to Peters, who has served the city for decades.
Langley surprised Peters with a new car, a 2017 Chevy Malibu. The car was complete with registration and insurance as well as taxes which were paid from the funds raised. They also gave Peters a $500 gas card and a thank you tip for his years of hard work and dedication.
“Today, Robert received his new vehicle!” Langley shared on Facebook. “You’ll be happy to know he was all smiles when he got his new car, but that’s no surprise to any of you since he’s always smiling!”
The Tipton community came together to help one of its members and Langley had a lot of people to thank. “I personally want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, your willingness to spread the word about this fundraiser, and for your incredibly kind hearts.”
“This was all made possible by the wonderful people in our community, and I can’t thank you enough for your participation. After just one week, this community has raised over $18,000! »
He also said Peters couldn’t express how grateful he was for what the community had done for him.
“I just hope everyone who made this possible will be blessed as much as they blessed me,” Peters said. “It was truly a great experience that I will remember all my life.”
The love of neighbors is truly the greatest gift anyone can have in their community. It was also experienced by Jennifer Weldon, a single mother of four, when her car broke down and her neighbors helped her get a new car.
When his transmission died out in the middle of the road, Weldon posted about it on Facebook, and help from friends and neighbors poured in, offering to lend him their car.
She was stressed about it for days, not knowing that people in her community were raising money to help her car get fixed.
One night she was shocked to see her small group of friends walking down the road to see her. They told him about the fundraiser they had organized for the repair of his car. She was even more shocked when she saw her next door neighbor offering her a car.
According to his neighbor Matt Carlson, his recently deceased father left them an extra car, which he wanted to give to Weldon. His friends gave him the money they collected to cover insurance and future repairs.
Check out this video of Langley as he receives his new car from his kind neighbors: